Eglinton Park Master Plan – Update
August 11, 2020
ARECA attended an on-line meeting where an update on a re-do of Eglinton Park was discussed. The first notable thing is that any re-do of the Park (and other City Parks) will be that it will be done through a Pandemic Lens. Essentially what this means is that any changes will have to be with consideration of another pandemic. One of the items mentioned was the current field house is not "pandemic-friendly" and sometime in the future will be renovated to make is safe from a health point of view. Councillor Colle would like to have pedestrian and cycling paths as a priority and sped up in the timetable. ARECA continues to push for enhanced safety in the park ... improved lighting, the staircase made more open and visible and is wanting the flat areas to remain fence-free for numerous reasons. As for time-lines, it appears the minimum to see any substantial change (if any) is 2 years off. Planning will move forward in 2021 but it is unclear as to when money would be available to move ahead, especially given the financial position of the City with the pandemic.