Public Safety Alert from Toronto Police – Vehicle Thefts
September 15, 2021
ARECA received the below information September 15/21. The incidents of vehicles being stolen within 53 Division have continued to be at high levels for nearly a year. Some people have been victimized by this crime SEVERAL TIMES ! Despite proactive countermeasures of patrol & investigation , these incidents of theft continue to occur almost daily, some days more then once. As your Community Safety Officer, I ask that you seriously consider taking the extra measures we suggest, to protect your vehicles. Please refer to the attached PUBLIC SAFTY ALERT. These added protective measures can deter a car thief immediately upon them noticing the existence of this anti-theft hardware. The extra time required to remove these security features simply isn’t worth it, they move on to other targets. Working together is the absolute best way to prevent these crimes. Talk to your neighbours, watch out for each other , join a Neighbourhood Watch Group & report suspicious people or vehicles to Police. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me by phone or email. PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH YOUR COMMUNITY , EMAIL GROUPS & FRIENDS ! Thank you Constable Timothy Somers #90023
Toronto Police Service
53 Division
Community Response Unit
Crime Prevention – Community Safety Officer
Office 416-808-5337
Mobile 416-473-6314