City Surveys on Micromobility and Cycling 

November 20, 2023 


  1. The City of Toronto is seeking your feedback and input on new forms of mobility called micromobility on City streets and bike lanes. These include bikes, e-bikes, scooters and more. The public survey is now live on the city’s website and will be open until December 13/23.

    The results from this survey will be used along with other public engagement, research and input to develop a city-wide strategy for micromobility, including what new forms of mobility might be allowed in future on streets and/or in bike lanes. For more information, please visit webpage.

  2. The City of Toronto wants to hear from you to help make recommendations on which bikeways to build, upgrade and study in 2025 to 2027.

    The City helps make traveling by bike safer by building bikeways, like physically separated cycle tracks, bike lanes, neighbourhood routes, and multi-use trails. The City is planning where to build and upgrade bikeways next, and seeks input.  Learn more how you can get involved in person or online by visiting:



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