19 Storeys at Castle Knock Road going to the OLT 

September 14, 2024 

The developer for the proposed 19-storey building at the northwest corner of Castle Knock Road and Eglinton has chosen to go the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT).  The Case Management Conference is scheduled for 10:00 am, September 17, 2024.  The Notice of the Hearing is posted on the ARECA web site here.  One of the more concerning notes in the Notice is on page 19 where it says ... “Please note that the Applicant is contemplating revisions to the proposal to seek additional height and may file updated materials in support of a revised proposal as part of the case management conference.”

What this means is the City has essentially been taken out of the decision making process and the OLT has the decision making role.

The City will now be objecting the proposal yet, in the vast majority of rulings, the OLT favours the Developer.

The upcoming date is a case management conference and not the actual hearing.  It’s strictly procedural where parties are identified and timing for the next CMC is established, where the procedural order and actual hearing dates will be established. The hearings will likely be over the course of a few days.

So ... what can we do?  What can you do?

As we, ARECA and the Oriole Park Association continue to follow this issue and try to figure out what we could possibly do, we are asking you to contact the MPP for the riding, Robin Martin and tell her your concerns.  With many people contacting her on this issue, perhaps she will take notice.

We encourage you to Email and/or call MPP Robin Martin
Phone: 416-781-2395

Below is a sample of what you might say but we also encourage you to use your own words rather than simply copy and paste.  It is more effective that she not receive the same words from everyone!

Dear MPP Martin;

As a resident (or business owner) in the proximity of the proposed development at 444-466 Eglinton Avenue West, I join the City of Toronto in opposing the application going before the Ontario Land Tribunal on September 27, 2024. My household and many of my neighbours support only mid-rise development in the Eglinton Way Village.  We are in agreement with the City’s Approved Plan to maintain the Village with maximum heights of 8 storeys.

Please support us in opposing this application.  I look forward to your response and your position with respect to this proposed development.

Name of Resident
Phone number and/or Email Address of resident

c.c. Councillor Mike Colle
c.c. Avenue Road Eglinton Community Association
c.c. Oriole Park Residents Association